Friday, June 12, 2009

The Holy Trinity

So, I've found that sometimes as an adult it's difficult to grasp the Trinity, teaching that to your children is a whole new ballgame. So, yesterday at dinner the topic of conversation was just that, the blessed Holy Trinity. Davis was trying to grasp just how 1 person could be 3 people. So Barry took over and explained it very well in 7 year old terms. God is the Father of the Trinity. The Heavenly Father. Jesus is the son, the human form or earthly form. The Holy Spirit is the resurrected savior that lives inside of our hearts. So, there was a bit more dialogue, Davis decided it was tough to get but still listened attentively. Barry asked, "so, does that make sense", with a blank "yes", we moved on. We went along with our evening, cleaning out the garage, taking the recycling to the recycling center, bathtime, bedtime etc etc. Davis read the Bible Stories to the girls and we were talking about Moses. We also talked about respecting others, loving others and being forgiving. Then all of a sudden Davis says, "so mom, God is the guy that is invisible, we can't see him and he sent a version of himself with skin and bones and blood to earth to die for us, then after he died his spirit came to live in us". I just started laughing with astonishment. He had thought it through all that time and this was his conclusion. A pretty good understanding for a 7 year old. His sisters clapped and smiled as though his version was easier to understand than their daddy's thought out explanation. Children are such a wonderful gift!

1 comment:

  1. That is amazing! I cant believe his understanding of the trinity! Great JOb being his Godly parents and teaching him about God! What a great gift your kids are and what a great gift you are to your kids! This brought tears to my eyes. love ya hol!
