Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Caesar's Creek Lake -

So, I think sometimes we get so caught up in our busy lives that we forget what beautiful scenery there is right in our backyard. For instance, Caesar's Creek Lake. No more than a 15 minute drive from our house, yet we never take the time to go and enjoy the trails, the peaceful serenity of God's beautiful creation, the sandy beach perfect for building sandcastles, the playground that overlooks that beach, and the trees, oh the beautiful trees. This evening at around 6:00 we decided to just load up the jogging stroller, 3 kids, 2 dogs and ourselves and head over to enjoy some of what God created for us.

The playground was completely empty so it was perfect for letting the kids run around and act silly. The slide had rails on both sides so Brei needed minimal assist and was very successful on her own, which makes her so very happy when things are accessible. Baylie wasn't sure of the slide because it was so much taller than what she's used to. Davis was the sweet big brother who helped her up and then gave her the push needed to fly down. If we hadn't been there to catch her at the end she'd for sure have been catapaulted into the lake.

It began to sprinkle but we didn't let a little rain spoil our fun. We took a nice walk down to the sandy beach and the kids all walked in the water and then played in the sand. Davis was wanting to stay longer at the beach area but we were wanting to go exploring and get the dogs a nice walk in before the storm hit. We got poured on as soon as we were far enough away from the main pavillion to get to it without getting soaked. We did, however, find a nice big shade tree to stand under while it poured down around us. As soon as there was a break we ran to the shelter and hung out there until it stopped raining. We decided to walk back down to the beach area and let Davis work on a sandcastle for awhile. My camera battery died so I couldn't take a pic of his creation. I did tell him that I'd bring him and his friends back one evening soon. It was so nice because there were so few people there at that time of night that it was like having our own private lake.

Being out there really made me miss my times growing up at the lake. My parents always had a boat and we would spend our summers out on the water. Camping was always so much fun with my family. I want to give the kids those experiences of camping and enjoying all of this beautiful earth that God created for us.

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